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Many well intended groups become discouraged when faced with the bureaucratic requirements and organizational challenges of forming and operating a non-profit. Entruste's mission is to help inspired individuals take ideas from dreams to reality - to make a difference in our world. Whether you are an existing group or start-up nonprofit, entruste offers several advantages to consider.

Fiscal sponsorship is a formal arrangement whereby a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization financially supports another organization, individual or a project that may not have a tax exempt status. In our case, Entruste is the tax-exempt organization or "Sponsor" and the individual or group being sponsored are referred to as a "Project". The great value of sponsorship is in providing your group all the benefits of tax exemption without the hassle of IRS filing and compliance.

For many, remaining focused on their mission has priority over developing and managing a nonprofit given the complex infrastructure required. Entruste can be your back office, providing all the required legal, fiscal and administrative needs in a cost effective manner. Typically, the sponsorship fee (percentage of grants/donations) can be a more efficient use of project funds than operating an independent non-profit. Our support system is simple and accessible, donor data and funds available can be accessed on our "cloud" based system 24/7, permitting you to plan and budget.

Entruste offers a temporary "home" with legal, fiscal and administrative sponsorship for groups who plan to become a 'stand alone' non-profit, providing an opportunity to gain knowledge about the non-profit world. If your project aims to work beyond borders, Entruste can provide tax-deductibility for donations, allowing your overseas work to happen. Our "from the ground up" experience in this area is a wealth of knowledge at your disposal. (see: Who)

Our Projects range from health and community development, environmental sustainability, human rights to, any effort benefiting humankind. Whether you are a social entrepreneur looking for a means to incubate your idea or an established group who simply wants to just reduce the red tape, Entruste will be there with support.

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